Crysis is videogame of firings in first person of science fiction of new generation, developed by the creators of the successful Officers' Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces Cry, the German company Crytek and distributed by Electronic Arts. it was sent the 16 of November of 2007 in Europe. It was a success for the critic and accumulated a great number of prizes in different fairs and events. It uses the motor of videogame CryEngine 2 developed by the same Crytek. It is first of a trilogy. Later one published Crysis Warhead that are characterized to take place in the same scene and moment that Crysis, but represented from the point of view of another persons.
The 5 of May of 2009 the edition of collector Crysis Maximum Edition was realised who includes Crysis, Crysis Warhead and a multiplayer expansion that is called Crysis Wars. Crysis was made particularly famous have very demanding minimum requirements. Perhaps furthermore in this 2010 or in 2011 one hopes that they remove crysis 2, but this not only it will leave for PC, but also for ps3.
Planet Earth, 2019: A scene shows the discovery of a buried device in center of the mountain reveals a blue light while a voice is listened to explaining that happens. All contact with the team of sent estadunidenses scientists under the authorization of the league of nations is had lost. The Government of North Korea has closed the access to the island, protesting the possible findings of the discovery for his country.

The United States has responded sending a secret elite troops denominated “Delta FORCE Operators” to make a recognition of the situation and to inform to the Pentagon of all the excellent details of the situation. While the tension is growing between EE.UU and North Korea by the access contradictions to the area, the mountain bursts suddenly, revealing a strange foreign ship of 2 kilometers of stop. The ship generates an immense field of force unknown energetics, congealing a great part of the island and altering of dramatic way the global climatic system. The Earth invasion has begun. Without hardly hope to survive, the player will have to lead a swarm of elite through a leafy tropical jungle, landscapes totally frozen, and to finally introduce itself in the heart of the foreign ship to face a revolutionary attack in Zero gravity against the aliens.
Game engine
Crysis uses a new engine, the CryEngine 2 that is the success of the CryEngine of Officers' Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces Cry. The game runs on a new engine (CryEngine 2) that is the successor to Far Cry's CryEngine. CryEngine 2 is among the first engines to use the Direct3D 10 (DirectX 10) framework of Windows Vista, but can also run using DirectX 9, both on Vista and Windows XP. The difference is in which in way DirectX 10 it offers better graphs than in DirectX way 9.0c, at the cost of a greater exigency concerning hardware. Note: OFFICIAL exists a patch not to make work the graphical improvements available in the DirectX10 way on DirectX 9.0c. Roy Taylor, vice-president of Relations of Content of NVIDIA, has spoken on the subject of the complexity of the motor, that Crysis has more of a million lines of code, 4GB of data of texture, shaded and 85000 shaders.
In addition it uses several graphical technologies like:
* Shader Model 2,0, 3,0 and 4,0+ (to see all effects Shader Model 4,0).
* Linear and progressive illumination HDR to see 2.0
* Depth of multiple field.
* Advanced particle system.
* Climatic effects and of the time.
* Totally interactive objects and with capacity to destroy them.